Address Books

I know that it is 2011, and people like technology.  But you know what I don't like?  Having to wait for my computer to boot up, and then hunt around for the file I need just to call my Aunt.

So I use an Address Book.  A real, live, I-can-hold-it-in-the-palm-of-my-hand-and-write-in-it-in-with-pencil Address Book.  And so should you.  Good thing Much Ado About You is here for you!

As with the rest of our products, we have made some fantastic improvements to our Address Books.

They also now include rounded corners.
{Why do I get so excited about rounded corners?  I don't know... but I do!}

The beautiful newly designed tabs are also tucked inside the newly expanded cover.

The layout has been improved, using our fun new fonts.

And, of course, we are including one of our fabulous new two-sided pocket folders.